Qualification Codes

Sales are coded to determine if they qualify for use in the annual sales ratio analysis.



1 Change of use.
2 Deed does not show warranty of title.
3 Grantee/Grantor is a political subdivision
(government agency).
4 Grantee is a bank or other financial institution,
or lender foreclosure.
5 Grantee is charitable, religious, or other institution.
6 Grantee and Grantor are related or business associates.
(L&A, DC, EE, family, friend)
7 Conveyance of partial or undivided interest.
8 Grantee and Grantor are the same, transfer or
convenience.  (trust, divorce)
9 Trade (exchange of properties).
10 Conveyance of property to avoid lien/foreclosure.
11 Grantor is sheriff or other court office (administrator),
receiver, guardian, trustee.  (estate)
12 Contract payoff.
13 "Left blank."
14 Prior year's real market value or sale price missing.
15 Date of sale missing.
16 Sale includes personal property which cannot be
accurately extracted.
17 Sale includes orchards, crops, or other exempt
18 Mortgage balance is not noted.
19 Error in classification (unless corrected by
20 Other errors or omissions (miscellaneous)--MUST
explain under (Reasons for Rejection."
21 Property sold is not the same as assessed.
22 Sale includes designated forestland and/or timber.
23 Sales of properties that had the assessed value
adjudicated by BOPTA, DOR, or Tax Court
(in the past five years) after 10-3-89.
24 Assignment of contract, deed (transferring of interest).
(selling the contract)
25 Corrective deed.
26 Not properly exposed to market.
27 Sale includes manufactured structure.
30 Usable but unconfirmed, current sales year.
1031 exchange.
31 Unconfirmed prior year's sale adjusted for time and
used in current year's ratio study.
32 Confirmed prior year's sale adjusted for time and
used in current year's ratio study.
33 Confirmed sale.
34 Questionnaire returned, hold for review.