Oregon Department of Forestry: Target Shooting Regulations

Oregon Dept. of Forestry Target Shooting Regulations

The following target shooting regulations are in effect year round on all state forest lands

General Forest Recreation Rules

(9)Target Shooting.
(a) A Person may not:

(A) Place targets on live trees or shoot live trees for any purpose;
(B) Shoot across or along any road or trail;
(C) Shoot carelessly, recklessly, or without regard for the safety of any Person, or in a manner that endangers, or is likely to endanger, any Person or property;
(D) Shoot glass of any kind;
(E) Shoot appliances, furniture, or other materials determined by Department personnel or a law enforcement officer to be garbage;
(F) Shoot targets other than non-exploding targets commercially manufactured for the specific purpose of target shooting, except for paper targets privately manufactured by the Person or persons engaging in target shooting; or
(G) Engage in target shooting or other shooting related activity at times between one half-hour after sunset until one half-hour before sunrise.

(b) A Person engaged in target shooting must:

(A) Remove from State Forest Land all shell casings, targets, and other debris resulting from the target shooting activity; and
(B) Use an appropriate sized, non-flammable, natural backstop or a commercially-manufactured bullet recovery system of sufficient size to capture all projectiles.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 530.050
Stats. Implemented: ORS 530.010 - 530.040
Hist.: FB 3-1995, f. & cert. ef. 9-15-95; DOF 4-2005, f. & cert. ef. 3-1-05-1-05

State forests are busy places. Please be aware of trails and roads in the area before you start shooting. Choose a shooting location with a solid back drop to avoid the potential for endangering fellow forest visitors.