Solid Waste Administration Contact Information

Main Office - Public Works
503 Marolf Loop Road
Tillamook, OR 97141

Solid Waste Office:  503-815-3975
Public Works Office:  503-842-3419
Fax Line:  503-842-6473

Email Solid Waste Office

Office Hours
(We are currently on our 5 day/8 hour schedule)

4 day/10 hour day Schedule
Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 5:30pm

5 day/8 hour day Schedule
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm

Closed for the following Holidays

New Year's Day                      
Martin Luther King, Jr Day        
President's Day                       
Memorial Day                         
Independence Day                   
Labor Day                              
Veteran's Day                         
Thanksgiving Day                   
Friday after Thanksgiving        
Christmas Eve       
Christmas Day                

Driving Directions

The Public Works main office is located in approximately 2 miles east of the city of Tillamook at the southwest corner of Tillamook County Fairgrounds.  (Turn off of 3rd St onto Marolf Loop Rd.)  Public parking is available on the south side of the main office building; accessed from Marolf Loop Rd.  Delivery trucks may enter the fenced yard via Brookfield Ave from Marolf Loop Rd.

From Hwy 6:
Exit Hwy 6 turning left at the blinking yellow light, about 2 miles East of Tillamook.  Proceed south 1/4 mile and turn right on 3rd St.  Proceed west 1/3 mile and turn left onto Marolf Loop Rd. Proceed south 1/4 mile to the Public Works public parking lot located on the south side of the main office building.

From the Hwy 101:
Exit Hwy 101 downtown Tillamook by turning left onto 3rd St at the stop light.  Proceed east 3 blocks and angle off to the right at the fork in the road.  Then continue east on 3rd St approximately 1.5 miles (the Fairgrounds will be before you on the right).  Turn right (before the Fairgrounds) onto Marolf Loop Rd and proceed south 1/4 mile to the Public Works public parking lot located on the far side of the main office building.