Stalking Protective Order

You may be eligible to apply for a Stalking Protective Order (SPO) order if you meet the following eligibility requirements:


  • You (the "Petitioner") may be eligible for an SPO at any age. If you're younger than 18, a parent/ guardian may apply on your behalf.
  • The person you are applying for a stalking order against (the "Respondent") can be any age, but if s/he is a minor, the court will appoint a guardian ad litem to help them with the case.

Contact from the Respondent

  • The Respondent must have made at least two unwanted contacts with either yourself or an immediate family/ household member within the last 2 years. 
    • The contacts must be alarming or coercive, and the feeling of alarm or coercion must be objectively reasonable.
    • The contacts must cause you reasonable concerns for your safety or the safety of an immediate family or household member.
    • If the Respondent is stalking you by text/ phone call/ messaging only, you must show that the contacts meet the following criteria:
      • They cause you to fear for your personal safety;
      • They contain direct threats to harm you; and
      • It's likely that the Respondent intends to carry out the threats.